[이태경 칼럼] "고문이 아니라 신문? 하나의 예술"이라고?
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
‘Torture expert’ Lee Geun-an, “It was a kind of art”
Saturday, October 29, 2011
사고로 위장하려는 시도들
수주전에는 일본인들로 행세하는 자들이 일부러 여성을 이용 부디쳐 시비를 걸더니 어제는 동일 장소에서 수레방향으로 어린 여자 아기 -겨우 것는-을 밀어 넣어 여아가 수레에 충돌할뻔 하였다. 여자아이를 손으로 밀어 넣던 젊은 여성은 이상한 미소와 함께 한 노인 여성과 사라진다. 옆 바구니를 주던 백화점 직원은 얼굴을 돌리고 외면한다.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Park Chung Hee: Former Dictator of South Korea
Dominating from 1961 until his assassination in 1979, Park Chung Hee was a powerful anti-Communist dictator and the president of South Korea. He used the forces of torture and fatal violence to bring forth his authority for his country. Park served in the Japanese Imperial armed forces where he was inspired to rule and bring up Korea’s economy. In the early years of his dominance, Korea became the eleventh most successful economies in the world, but this boom eventually died leading Korea into a recession. Although Park industrialized and gained economic growth for Korea, he was seen as a manipulative and exploiting dictator because of his brutality towards some citizens.
When Park was in power, if a citizen was under even the littlest amount of suspicion of communism or again Park’s administration and laws, they were sentenced to torture and sometimes even death. The Korean war lead Korea into an anti-Communist country and a military coup. Park’s power caused widespread human rights abuses which caused great controversy for the country. Due to his goal of national economic growth, Park based his dictatorship on this. He did anything and everything he could to succeed, even if it meant violating human rights.
Given his dictatorial role, supporters of Park Chung Hee’s dictatorship see him as a man who did not cause controversy and was only trying to help South Korea’s economy. Citizens who do not support Park perceive him as a brutal dictator who only focused on the economy and not the labor. The citizens who spoke their mind and who were against Park were tortured in unspeakably ruthless ways. When he was in power, people who were against Park were arrested and imprisoned for multiple years being brutalized. Ordered by Park and known as one of the most brutal alleged abuse acts was the killing of Kim Dae-Jung. Kim has said that his abductors had nearly dumped him from a ship at sea a few days after the kidnapping, but stopped when a U.S. military helicopter made a low pass over the vessel. (Asia Pacific) Businesses were taken over by Park’s people as well as private land, which essentially resulted in a lack of freedom within the country. One of the first actions park took once he took power was to persecute the South Korean business leaders for gaining profit from the government. He imprisoned around twenty-four successful businessmen. (San Jose State University Department of Economics).
The Korean Central Intelligence Agency, also known as the KCIA, was to prevent any suspected communist activities, to arrest and torture them and to investigate power. Going against Park’s administration, Park was assassinated on October 26, 1979 by the director of the KCIA, Kim Jaegyu. “The assassination was apparently provoked by Park’s demand that protests and riots currently occurring be suppressed ‘even if it cost 30,000 lives.’” (San Jose State University Department of Economics) After his dominance, Park’s reputation has been the subject of further debate in South Korea as a list of names, in which he is included, of Koreans who worked with Japan. South Korea is still currently suffering due to human rights abuses, however not as horrible as it was with Park in power.
With the support and influence of the United States’ government, Park Chung Hee became a dictator for South Korea. His goal of bettering the economy of his country was established, causing great hardships for many citizens. Through torturing and imprisoning innocent people, he was successful with preventing the country from joining the rest of the ‘free world.’ Although he did move his country forward economically wise for a little while, it eventually collapsed and pulled South Korea back even further in a recession. He is responsible for Korea’s industrialization through economic growth but is also criticized for his dictatorial way of dominating Korea.
Works Cited
* (Author unknown) “The Park Chung Hee Regime in South Korea.” San Jose State University Department of Economics. N.p. N.d. Web. January 19, 2010.
* (Author unknown) “Park Chung Hee.” The N.p. N.d. Web. January 19, 2010.
* “1973 kidnapping of Kim Dae Jung was approved by Korean president, panel fin.” Asian Pacific. October 24, 2007. Web. January 19, 2010.
Dominating from 1961 until his assassination in 1979, Park Chung Hee was a powerful anti-Communist dictator and the president of South Korea. He used the forces of torture and fatal violence to bring forth his authority for his country. Park served in the Japanese Imperial armed forces where he was inspired to rule and bring up Korea’s economy. In the early years of his dominance, Korea became the eleventh most successful economies in the world, but this boom eventually died leading Korea into a recession. Although Park industrialized and gained economic growth for Korea, he was seen as a manipulative and exploiting dictator because of his brutality towards some citizens.
When Park was in power, if a citizen was under even the littlest amount of suspicion of communism or again Park’s administration and laws, they were sentenced to torture and sometimes even death. The Korean war lead Korea into an anti-Communist country and a military coup. Park’s power caused widespread human rights abuses which caused great controversy for the country. Due to his goal of national economic growth, Park based his dictatorship on this. He did anything and everything he could to succeed, even if it meant violating human rights.
Given his dictatorial role, supporters of Park Chung Hee’s dictatorship see him as a man who did not cause controversy and was only trying to help South Korea’s economy. Citizens who do not support Park perceive him as a brutal dictator who only focused on the economy and not the labor. The citizens who spoke their mind and who were against Park were tortured in unspeakably ruthless ways. When he was in power, people who were against Park were arrested and imprisoned for multiple years being brutalized. Ordered by Park and known as one of the most brutal alleged abuse acts was the killing of Kim Dae-Jung. Kim has said that his abductors had nearly dumped him from a ship at sea a few days after the kidnapping, but stopped when a U.S. military helicopter made a low pass over the vessel. (Asia Pacific) Businesses were taken over by Park’s people as well as private land, which essentially resulted in a lack of freedom within the country. One of the first actions park took once he took power was to persecute the South Korean business leaders for gaining profit from the government. He imprisoned around twenty-four successful businessmen. (San Jose State University Department of Economics).
The Korean Central Intelligence Agency, also known as the KCIA, was to prevent any suspected communist activities, to arrest and torture them and to investigate power. Going against Park’s administration, Park was assassinated on October 26, 1979 by the director of the KCIA, Kim Jaegyu. “The assassination was apparently provoked by Park’s demand that protests and riots currently occurring be suppressed ‘even if it cost 30,000 lives.’” (San Jose State University Department of Economics) After his dominance, Park’s reputation has been the subject of further debate in South Korea as a list of names, in which he is included, of Koreans who worked with Japan. South Korea is still currently suffering due to human rights abuses, however not as horrible as it was with Park in power.
With the support and influence of the United States’ government, Park Chung Hee became a dictator for South Korea. His goal of bettering the economy of his country was established, causing great hardships for many citizens. Through torturing and imprisoning innocent people, he was successful with preventing the country from joining the rest of the ‘free world.’ Although he did move his country forward economically wise for a little while, it eventually collapsed and pulled South Korea back even further in a recession. He is responsible for Korea’s industrialization through economic growth but is also criticized for his dictatorial way of dominating Korea.
Works Cited
* (Author unknown) “The Park Chung Hee Regime in South Korea.” San Jose State University Department of Economics. N.p. N.d. Web. January 19, 2010.
* (Author unknown) “Park Chung Hee.” The N.p. N.d. Web. January 19, 2010.
* “1973 kidnapping of Kim Dae Jung was approved by Korean president, panel fin.” Asian Pacific. October 24, 2007. Web. January 19, 2010.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Report: Iran Building Rocket Bases in Venezuela
German newspaper Die Welt reports that Iran is constructing an intermediate range missile base on Venezuela's Paraguaná Peninsula, and that engineers from the Khatam al-Anbia consstruction firm, owned by the Revolutionary Guards, visited Paraguaná in February.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
'윤필용 사건' 연루자 재심서 38년만에 무죄
서울고법 형사12부는 부대운영비를 횡령하고 허가 없이 총기를 소지한 혐의로 징역 12년을 선고받았던 손영길 전 준장의 재심에서 무죄를 선고했습니다.
재판부는 "손 전 준장을 비롯해 관련자들의 진술서는 모두 육군보안사 수사관들의 고문과 협박, 회유 등으로 작성됐으며 문제의 총기도 위법한 압수수색으로 찾아내 유죄의 증거로 삼은 것은 잘못"이라고 밝혔습니다.
1973년 윤필용 당시 수도경비사령관은 술자리에서 이후락 중앙정보부장에게 "노쇠한 박정희 대통령 대신 후계자로 나서라"고 말했다가 쿠데타 모의 의혹을 사면서 군법회의에서 추종 군 인사들과 함께 횡령, 뇌물수수죄 등으로 1~15년의 징역형을 확정 선고 받았습니다.
최종편집 : 2011-02-03 09:32
Thursday, January 20, 2011
18년 장기독재를 한 박정희는 이 나라의 원흉이고 당시 이 나라는 세계에 부끄러운 참혹한 독재국가였다
YS "대선 조기 과열은 나라에 도움 안돼"
민주동지회 신년인사회서 지적
김영삼(YS) 전 대통령은 20일 “2년이나 남은 대선이 조기에 과열되는 것은 나라를 위해 전혀 도움이 되지 않는다”고 지적했다.
김 전 대통령은 이날 세종문화회관에서 열린 민주동지회 신년인사회에 참석해 차기 대권 경쟁과 관련, “정치인들의 애국심과 자중을 당부한다”며 이같이 말했다.
김 전 대통령은 “새해는 남북관계에 있어 큰 변화가 있을 것이고 지금은 무엇보다 안보가 중대한 시기”라며 “어떠한 경우에도 국론이 분열돼서는 안 된다”고 강조했다.
또 ‘정자정야(政者正也)’를 신년 휘호로 정한 데 대해 김 전 대통령은 “정치하는 사람은 모름지기 정의로워야 하고 정치는 나라를 바르게 세워야 한다는 뜻”이라며 “새해는 우리나라 모든 분야가 정직하고 반듯하게 우뚝 서서 선진국으로 도약하는 원년이 되기를 간절히 소망한다”고 기원했다.
이어 김 전 대통령은 “저는 언제나 민주주의가 최고의 가치라고 생각하고 조국의 민주화를 위해 무섭게 투쟁해왔다”고 자평했으며 고(故) 박정희 전 대통령에 대해서는 혹평했다. 김 전 대통령은 “18년 장기독재를 한 박정희는 이 나라의 원흉이고 당시 이 나라는 세계에 부끄러운 참혹한 독재국가였다”고 비판했다.
한편 행사에는 김 전 대통령을 비롯해 김봉조 민주동지회 회장, 한나라당 김무성 원내대표와 박진ㆍ안경률ㆍ이종혁 의원, 이인제 무소속 의원, 김수한 전 국회의장과 최형우 전 내무부 장관 등이 참석했다.
<저작권자 ⓒ 인터넷한국일보, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
Saturday, January 15, 2011
실미도 부대원 유족, 국가에 유해인도 소송
(서울=연합뉴스) 나확진 기자 = 실미도 북파공작원 훈련 도중 탈출하다 사망한 부대원 이모 씨 등 6명의 유족이 국가를 상대로 사망자의 시신을 넘겨 달라며 유해인도 청구소송을 냈다고 서울중앙지법이 15일 밝혔다.
유족들은 소장에서 "이씨 등이 군ㆍ경과 교전을 벌이다 숨지거나 생포돼 사형이 집행됐다"며 "당시 군형법에 따라 사형집행 때 유족에게 통지해야 하고, 시신을 유족에게 돌려줘야 함에도 국가는 어떤 조치도 하지 않았는데 이제라도 시신을 돌려받아 최소한의 예우를 갖출 수 있도록 해달라"고 요구했다.
북파공작원 양성을 위한 이른바 실미도 부대에서 훈련을 받던 이씨 등은 1971년 8월 탈출해 버스를 탈취한 뒤 청와대로 향하던 중 육군과 총격전을 벌이다 스스로 수류탄을 터뜨려 대부분 숨졌으며 생존자 4명은 이듬해 사형이 집행됐다.
정부는 사망 사실을 유족에게 알리지 않는 등 사건의 진상을 은폐하다 2005∼2006년 국방부 과거사 진상규명위원회의 조사를 통해 진상을 밝혔다.
한편 지난해 5월 서울중앙지법은 실미도 부대원의 유족 21명이 국가를 상대로 낸 손해배상 청구소송에서 "국가가 훈련의 위험성을 알리지 않고 취업보장 등을 내세워 훈련병 지원을 받았고 훈련 중 인권을 침해했음이 인정된다"며 2억5천300만원을 배상하라는 판결을 내렸다.
유족들은 소장에서 "이씨 등이 군ㆍ경과 교전을 벌이다 숨지거나 생포돼 사형이 집행됐다"며 "당시 군형법에 따라 사형집행 때 유족에게 통지해야 하고, 시신을 유족에게 돌려줘야 함에도 국가는 어떤 조치도 하지 않았는데 이제라도 시신을 돌려받아 최소한의 예우를 갖출 수 있도록 해달라"고 요구했다.
북파공작원 양성을 위한 이른바 실미도 부대에서 훈련을 받던 이씨 등은 1971년 8월 탈출해 버스를 탈취한 뒤 청와대로 향하던 중 육군과 총격전을 벌이다 스스로 수류탄을 터뜨려 대부분 숨졌으며 생존자 4명은 이듬해 사형이 집행됐다.
정부는 사망 사실을 유족에게 알리지 않는 등 사건의 진상을 은폐하다 2005∼2006년 국방부 과거사 진상규명위원회의 조사를 통해 진상을 밝혔다.
한편 지난해 5월 서울중앙지법은 실미도 부대원의 유족 21명이 국가를 상대로 낸 손해배상 청구소송에서 "국가가 훈련의 위험성을 알리지 않고 취업보장 등을 내세워 훈련병 지원을 받았고 훈련 중 인권을 침해했음이 인정된다"며 2억5천300만원을 배상하라는 판결을 내렸다.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
우유를 끊자 마자 증세가 사라지다.
무었인가 넘실거리는 우유
우유 S 과 L 에서 구입
우유 구입 직후
우유 S 과 L 에서 구입
우유 구입 직후
신우염 이라 함 20100908
놀라운 일이지 무었이였을까?
근 몇일간은 중국인으로 행세하는 공작원들과 체격이 매우 큰 흑인 남녀 커플이 있었다.
추위와 눈 겨울이 되면 자주 사용하는 단어 어린 시절 길을 가다 눈을 맏은 적이 있었다. 눈을 맏은 본인의 머리에는 피가 흘러 내렸다. 눈이 아니고 하얀 눈 속에 돌을 넣어 던졌던 것이다. 병나는 우유나 병을 일으킬 죽일 목적으로 햄버거와 코카콜라에 약물을 타는 자들. 예나 지금이나 크나 작으나
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